The science of epigenetics has discovered that up to 98% of our genetic expression is influenced by our environment. Our epigenetic assessment service digitally maps four hair root follicles to determine key epigenetic indicators for clients and returns a full report in 15 minutes. The information contained in the report will help liberate clients from the old dogma that we are prisoners of our inherited genetics, providing clients with very tangible next steps towards achieving more optimal health.

Wellness Advocate Services For Healthy Cells

Get Started HEre

We will meet in person to complete the hair collection and review the scan results, allowing us to create a personalized wellness plan tailored to your needs. In-person availability is limited, so please email me to set up an appointment if you prefer this method.

In-person scan
with review

Get Started Here

You will receive and complete your hair collection kit and results will come to your inbox. This is only recommended for returning customers.

Mail-in Hair Scan only (no review)

Get Started Here

A hair collection kit is shipped to your home via UPS. You will ship the sample back (preferably beginning of week) and the results will be sent to both of our emails. 
I will review the scan and email recommendations to you

Mail-in Hair Scan with review

Lets work together

Get Started HEre

Our health coaching call provides personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your wellness goals. During the call, we’ll develop a tailored plan based on your unique needs and lifestyle, empowering you to make lasting, healthy changes.

Health Coaching Call

Price: $180.00

Price: $120.00

Price: $180.00

Price: $75.00

If you opt for an in-person hair scan, the process takes roughly two hours. We will meet in person to complete the hair collection and review the scan results. This allows us to create a personalized wellness plan tailored to your needs. In-person availability is limited, so please email me to set up an appointment if you prefer this method.

If we meet in person, what does the process look like?

Once your kit is purchased, an intake form will be emailed and you must be complete it before your review.  The kit will then be shipped to your door. Once the kit arrives, collect the sample following directions in the kit. Use the UPS label given to ship it back to our office in Chicago. Once received, the scan results will be sent to your email.

What is the process of the Mail-in Epigenetic Scan

Frequently Asked Questions

“Brooke has done a few scans for me and my children and each time is so insightful. I have incorporated her recommendations into my lifestyle and have noticed such a difference with inflammation when I follow the recommended protocols. Each area that flags on the scans is right on with symptoms I and my children experience. My daughter in particular was struggling with skin issues and after eliminating foods that showed up on the scan we have not had hardly any issues. I am so happy Brooke has brought this amazing tool into our lives. My whole family has benefited greatly from it. “
-Robin K

 "I am so happy Brooke has brought this amazing tool into our lives!"